Scheduled activities


Handbook (60 pages) for an innovative curriculum about CCE:

  • strategies and teaching materials for active citizenship and sustainable development on different learning level
  • monitoring and evaluation tools
Competence cards to evaluate improvement in students learning process, being careful to include disadvantage ones:
  • individualized self-evaluation tools for teachers
  • referred to key competence UE 2018
  • to acquire awareness of progresses in knowledge, skills and values fields
  • to stimulate the comprehension of everything that represent the civic participation and the loyalty to sustainable development

Matrix of competences for teacher self-evaluation purpose:

  • innovative activity of reciprocal monitoring between teachers involved in the project
  • for a real support and improvement of activities put in play for an education to qualified citizenship, participation and sustainable development
  • to support the continuous and reflective discussion among teachers and to promote the awareness about their own didactical and educational competencies and in order to facilitate their relation with pupils

Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA)

November 2022

intensive transnational Webinar in english to train expert ECCOPS teachers (12 hours)

  • teacher are selected from each partner country according to transparent criteria 
  • strategies, tools and didactical supplies furnished with Toolkit are discussed focusing in particular on participation and inclusion activities
February – March 2023

European pilot course for students treated within the regular classes of schools involved in the project (13 hours)

  • strategies, tools and didactical supplies furnished with Toolkit are experimentally applied by learning actions pinpointed on pupils, subjects are focused on sustainable development and on participation, paying particular attention to cognitive domains and to emotional-behavioural domains that regards citizenship
  • teacher and partners verify if ECCOPS project educational strategies were efficacy in order to reach participation and sustainability targets, they also share support competencies and improve the research on good practices about teaching and learning