On 27 September 2023, the final ECCOPS multiplier event took place, for the public dissemination of the results of the project that has engaged UCIIM (Italy), the University of La Laguna (Spain) and the School Inspectorate of Buzau (Romania) from 1 December 2021.
The three partners carried out research activities by jointly developing teaching/learning materials on civic and sustainability education (Toolkit) and proposed training activities in the schools that joined the project in the three European countries, in Italy: the Istituto Comprensivo Berton in Pedavena (BL), the Istituto Comprensivo Mandatoriccio in Mandatoriccio (CS), the Liceo Classico e Linguistico Kant in Rome and the Liceo Linguistico Scholl in Trento.
The teachers attended the European webinar (12 hours) for the analysis of the ECCOPS tools, which they then used during the pilot course held in their classrooms (13 hours), choosing one topic from the five proposed in the Toolkit: Human Rights; Global Citizenship; Democratic Citizenship, Information and Participation; Sustainable Development; Social Responsibility of Enterprises and Consumers.
The topics were addressed across different disciplines and the proposed materials were adapted to the specific needs of the students through a process of experimentation in which teachers were directly involved in improving and refining the materials. The work in the classrooms led to the creation of videos, e-books, posters, cards and more, as well as involving the students in local meetings and initiatives.
The final project materials (Toolkit, Competence Cards for students, Competence Matrix for teachers) have been presented at the final ECCOPS Conference and are the result of the revision work carried out by the three partners based on the recommendations and suggestions made by the teachers who tested them.