The LTTA (Learning Teaching Training Activity) of ECCOPS started with the first three webinar meetings for teachers participating in the project, two at European level and one at national level from 21 November to 5 December 2022. The content proposals for Civic and Citizenship Education (ECC) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESS) developed by the three partners, as well as the suggested methods and tools, were presented. The teachers are now in the process of choosing the activities they intend to carry out during the pilot course with the students and deciding on the approach of the work according to the time and needs of each class. The teachers’ contribution is essential in order to improve and refine the proposed materials, through an action-research process that directly involves them.
In the three countries -Italy, Romania and Spain- more than 40 teachers from 16 schools of different grades are involved so far. This will allow a broad European comparison on the topic of teaching civic education, in order to grow and consolidate teachers’ competences in this field and to foster the sharing of good practices and competences, which are the expected results of the project.
The next three webinar meetings, scheduled for spring 2023, will in fact be dedicated to verifying the activities experimented in the classes and to discussing the suggestions and indications for the revision of the educational-didactic proposals drawn up by the partners.